Monday, December 01, 2008

Homosexuality on TV

Quite frankly, I'm getting darned tired of TV shows having homosexuality on programs. I suspect the reason there seem to be more shows doing this is that the homosexuals are again trying to gain legitimacy.

These relationships are not a normal part of our lives, so we shouldn't have to put up with it.

Again, I could care less what people do with their lives, but don't bombard me with it!

Homosexuality is NOT Normal

The argument that homosexuality is some kind of natural or acceptable type of relationship has some pretty major flaws. Regardless of your belief in a God, or Natural Selection, homosexuality simply doesn't make sense as a "natural" condition.

When gays argue that it's natural, they overlook the fact that they have no way to perpetuate the species. They simply lack the compatible "plumbing" to make this work. If same-sex unions were meant to be natural, either God or Natural Selection would have provided for this.

Again, regardless of your beliefs, God would have never made this union "natural", and Natural Selection wouldn't (and couldn't - no way to have babies naturally) have done it either.

Think folks!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Why A Republican Voted for Barak Obama

Even though I'm a Republican (soon to become an Independent), I voted for Barak Obama.

My reasons were:

The Republican administration (Bush) gave big business too much leeway, and their greed made them completely lose all good sense, at least partially responsible for getting the economy in the shape it's in. It was simply time to rein them in. I was never really convinced John McCain would do this.

The Republicans believe that people can manage their own benefits, such as health care and retirement, by investing money. That is simply not going to happen! When it comes right down to it, most people are not disciplined enough to invest, rather than spend. So it would end up creating a tremendous problem in the future.

We need to end the stalemate that exists between the Democratic congress and a Republican congress. It's really time we started moving forward. I have absolutely no faith in either Harry Reed or Nancy Pelosi, but they are going to be very difficult to unseat. (In fact, I believe they, more than anyone else, are responsible for the stalemate!)

We desperately need a president who can lead and inspire the people, and I don't believe any of the other candidates have the ability that Barak Obama has. Although during the campaign he was much criticized as simply a good orator, I think that a much needed asset (think Ronald Regan).

We have also been in desperate need of someone who can re-establish decent working relations with the rest of the world. Again, McCain, with his hard-nosed attitude (due to his captivity?) simply would not have been able to do this.

Time will certainly judge whether or not I made the right choice.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Same-Sex marriage is Appalling!

The thought of same-sex marriage is absolutely appalling!!! I can't believe it would every be allowed. "These people" would have us believe that that's the only way they could have the same rights that legitimately married couples have. That's simply not true. Civil unions could be authorized that would allow the same rights. The only reason that the gays could have for pushing for the marriage label is because that way they might have some legitimization for their live style. This simply should not be allowed!

I have nothing against gays, and strongly feel that people should be able to live however they see fit. Certainly it would not be appropriate to have laws against being gay. But civil unions could give them exactly the same thing marriage does, and there's no reason, other than that stated earlier, why they should be allowed to be joined in marriage.

Give them civil unions, but NEVER marriage.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Problem With Yahoo

I finally gave up on using Yahoo, and switched to Google for everything.  I simply got tired of Yahoo trying to force their dumb advertisements on me.  It just destroys performance.  Although Yahoo was the first Email provider I used, I felt I could no longer put up with Yahoo's stupidity.  I don't understand why companies (there are a lot of other companies that try to do the same thing Yahoo does) feel they have to "force" their product on you.  Don't they feel they can be competative enough without doing that?  How stupid!!  I simply switch to companies that don't do this (or at least do it less).  Dump Yahoo!!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Freeing Ourselves from Oil Dependency

Worrying about how to feed our huge oil appetite, which is a losing battle, since we'll run out sooner or later anyway, we should concentrate on how to get out of that bind. Why look to off-shore drilling when it really won't help much? How many more billions of dollars are we going to throw at wars with oil-producing regions when it eventually won't give us more oil?

As an alternative, I would propose that the government do some really constructive things like get all the auto manufactures (domestic and foreign) together to set a direction toward alternative fuels. Then set a target date when they will all introduce their new line of cars at the same time. This way they can still compete with other features for their cars, but none of them will be afraid that anyone will introduce a gas powered car that buyers simply can't resist.

As a further step, the government could also spend some of the billions, that it now spends on wars, to provide an initial subsidy to the auto makers as incentive to go the alternative fuel direction.

How about it? Could we that are hurting so bad with the high gas prices encourage congress and the President to do this?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What makes a President!

We've seen during this election how Senator Obama has risen to be the presumptive nominee of the Democratic party. The things that makes him a winner is not his experience, or his grasp of facts and figures. It's his ability to move people (and presumably the people in Congress, also). This, in my humble view, is what will make him a good president and leader. If you look at the history of the presidency, it's the presidents that had this quality that were really successful (Kennedy, Reagan, for example). These were not particularly brilliant individuals, but they certainly had the ability to move people. I suppose Clinton did also, but perhaps his methods were a little more underhanded.

I would certainly like to see more of the type of leader that can move people, both on the national and local levels. I'd like to have more to choose from.

Resturants and Seniors (or not so Hungry People)

I eat out occasionally, and am really bothered by the amount of food served. Being a senior, there's really no way I could, or should, eat the amount of food most restaurants serve. Yes, some have senior menu items, but not many, and the servings are not really that much smaller. Yes, I could request a "doggie bag", but these left-overs are many times not real suitable for reheating. It's not as much a question of money as it is of waste. That could add up to an awful lot of food that goes into the trash.

To prevent all this waste, restaurants need to either cut down on the amount they serve everyone, and charge a premium for those that really feel they have to have more, or simply offer a senior percentage discount.

Please stop the waste!!!!