Monday, December 01, 2008

Homosexuality on TV

Quite frankly, I'm getting darned tired of TV shows having homosexuality on programs. I suspect the reason there seem to be more shows doing this is that the homosexuals are again trying to gain legitimacy.

These relationships are not a normal part of our lives, so we shouldn't have to put up with it.

Again, I could care less what people do with their lives, but don't bombard me with it!


chris said...

I know that this post is really old but I agree whole heartly with you on this point. I get really tired of this kind of thing being shoved down my throat. Thank you for saying it.

Anonymous said...

We are legitimate. We are people you know. We are even your friends. You might not know it, but what happens in the bedroom doesn't (most of the time) show on the outside. Your can change the channel, but we are not going away.